COEMS Fact Sheet

COEMS is a novel observer platform with supporting verification methods for software systems.

Key Data

Project title:

Continuous Observation of Embedded Multicore Systems

Project coordinator:

Martin Leucker, ISP/ Universität zu Lübeck (DE)


Accemic GmbH & Co. KG (DE), SC Thales Systems Romania SRL (RO), Høgskulen på Vestlandet (NO) (formerly Høgskolen i Bergen), Thales Austria GmbH (AT), Airbus Defence and Space GmbH (DE)


Nov. 2016 – Apr. 2020 (42 months)

Total cost:

EUR 3 961 082,50





The ability to observe the internals of an execution of a computer-based system is a fundamental requirement for ensuring correctness and safe behaviour. COEMS tackles the issues of detection and identification of non-deterministic software failures caused by race conditions and access to inconsistent data. It gives insight to the system’s actual behaviour without affecting it, allowing new verification methods.

COEMS will provide the world-wide first comprehensive online observation approach that is non-intrusive, allowing improved testing and debugging, and redefine the state-of-the-art for software systems development. Technologies developed in the project will affect:

  • Software tests & Debugging
  • Performance Optimization
  • Software Engineering Research